GSP Payments
We are thrilled you're joining us in service. Registration includes roundtrip international airfare and all in-country expenses including pre-departure materials; all in-country educational, service-learning materials; lodging with 3 meals per day; all in-country transportation with licensed guides; airport transfers; country-expert presentations; professionally guided educational and cultural excursions; 24/7professional full-time supervision and logistical support.
Pay By Credit Card:
Please make your credit card payment with the following.
(Note: 3% processing fee).
Pay by Check:
To complete payment with check, please make checks to "Global Service Partnerships" and contact us for the appropriate mailing address.
Participant’s deposit is nonrefundable and subsequent program payments are no longer refundable after 60 days prior to departure date. Participant understands that if Participant withdraws from the Program after 90 days prior to departure date no portion of the Program fee will be refundable.